David Sedaris: “On Parents, Connections with Strangers, and Embracing What You Have”

According to bardo wisdom, non-attachment can help us achieve happiness. But as you’ve found in your relationship with your father, it can be hard to let go of grievances. How happy are you? I’m a pretty happy person. I’m not going to bring you down, moaning about stuff or complaining about my health. I don’t have anything to complain about on that level. I go to at least a hundred cities a year on tour, and I read out loud onstage and sign books. That’s me at my best because my happiness is based on doing things for other people. It sounds so false and clichéd, but nothing makes you happier than doing something for somebody else. 

Read the interview here.


Leaving the Palace (WANTING, Catapult)


Coffee, with a Side of Deadline Hectoring (The New Yorker)